A blog about the Researchers Journey
Much of the research life in the humanities was never openly shown to the public: the whole making off of a researcher's journey used to be hidden for three or four years, as if it will magically become a finished dissertation. This blog exists to change that dynamic. Here, you, the reader, can follow the drafts, progress, still in development, the sketchbook and logbook of each of the researchers working in the elaboration of this Portal.
Acesse abaixo a coleção de postagens, organizada por autor:

- Amanda Assis (ASSIS, A.)
- Arianne Brogini (BROGINI, A.)
- Carol Andrade (ANDRADE, C.)
- Juliana Andreassa (DA LOMBA, J)
- Luana Manini (SOUZA, L.)
- Lucas Ferraz (FERRAZ, L.)
- Luiz Zeferino (ZEFERINO, L.C.)
- Marcos Oliveira (OLIVEIRA, M.)
- Natália Luri (RIBEIRO, N.)
- Rafael Scarpelli (SCARPELLI, R.)
- Renata Lamberti (LAMBERTI, R.S.)
- Willian Barbosa (VIEIRA, W. M.)
Quantos Charles Manson existem por aí?
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